
Researches published by College Faculty - 2016
College of Sciences
Researcher Name Research Title Journal Title Publish Year Vol. No.
- Assist.Prof Omar Adnan Khamas
الاقتصاد الاقتصاد الاسلامي وارتباطه بالتشريع والأخلاق الاسلامية Authors مجله التراث العلمي العربي 2016 2
Physics Department
Researcher Name Research Title Journal Title Publish Year Vol. No.
- Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abdulrahman Ahmed Al-Tabbakh
Correlating capacity and Li content in layered material for Li-ion battery using XRD and particle size distribution measurements Indian Journal of Physics 2016 90
- Prof.Dr. Suha Mousa Khorsheed Alawsi
Synthesis and Refractive index Characterization of EBBA Liquid Crystal Journal of Al- Nahrain University 2016 1
- Prof.Dr. Suha Mousa Khorsheed Alawsi
Design and Implementation of Temperature Sensor Using PCF Infiltered by EBBA Liquid Crystal International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 2016 10
- Prof.Dr. Suha Mousa Khorsheed Alawsi
Detection of energetic materials by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy technique international journal of modern trends in engineering and research 2016 8
- Prof.Dr. Suha Mousa Khorsheed Alawsi
Sensitivity Enhancement of Electric Field Sensor Using HC-1550 PCF Infiltaring by EBBA Liquid Crystal International Journal of Science and Research 2016 12
- Prof.Dr. Emad Khudhair Abbas Al-Shakarchi
Microwave Losses of Nanostructure Li-Ni Ferrites in X-Band and Ku-Band Iraqi J. of Phys. 2016 14
- Prof.Dr. Emad Khudhair Abbas Al-Shakarchi
Effect of Ni content on structural and magnetic properties of Li-Ni ferrites nanostructure prepared by hydrothermal method Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 2016 29
- Prof.Dr. Laith Abdul Aziz Abbas Dhaher Al-Ani
Assessment of the natural radioactivity levels in Kirkuk oil field Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 2016 9
- Assist.Prof Noor M. Yaseen
Modified Fisheye Optical System Journal of Physical Science and Application 2016 6
- Assist.ProfDr. Jazeel Hussein Azeez
Kennicutt-Schmidt law in the central region of NGC 4321 as seen by ALMA Scientific reports 2016 6
- Assist.ProfDr. Sadeem Abbas Fadhil
A Mathematical Model to Study the Effect of Pore Sizes Distribution on Densification Process in Ceramic Compacts Journal of Physical Science and Application 2016 6
- Assist.ProfDr. Hind Subhi Hussain
Design and Analysis of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Operating at TM03 mode with Single and Stacked Structure for Bandwidth Enhancement Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences 2016 19
- Assist.ProfDr. Hind Subhi Hussain
Inverted E-shape Microstrip Antenna for Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications 2016 6
- Assist.ProfDr. Wasan Ali Mousa
- Assist.ProfDr. Wasan Ali Mousa
Study on Optical Properties of PVC-2,5di (2-Pyrrole hydrazone) 1,3,4-thiadiazole Complexes. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016
- Assist.ProfDr. Wasan Ali Mousa
Optical Properties and Morphological Study of New Films Derived From Poly(Vinyl Chloride)-Phenyl Phrine HCl Acid Complexes Journal of Al-Nahrain University 2016
- Assist.ProfDr. Wasan Ali Mousa
Optical Properties and AFM Study of New Polymers Derived From Poly(Vinyl Chloride)-2-Acetoxy Benzoic Acid Complexes. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016
- Assist.ProfDr. Wasan Ali Mousa
Optical properties Study of New Films Derived from poly(vinyl chloride)- N-(4-Hydroxy-phenyl)-acetamide Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016
- Assist.ProfDr. Wasan Ali Mousa
Laser Induced Optical Properties Modification of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Films Doped with Antimony Trioxide Nanoparticles Journal of Physical Science and Application 2016
- Lect. Essam Mohamed Rasheed
Determination the concentration of radon in human urine using LR-115 detector Iraqi Journal of Physics, 2016 14
- Lect.Dr. Ahmed Shaker Mahmood
The Liouville Dynamics of the q-Deformed 1-D Classical Harmonic Oscillator Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2016 19
- Lect.Dr. Ahmed Shaker Mahmood
Interpretation of The q-Deformed 1-D Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2016 19
- Assist.Lect. Wassan Ali
Study the optical properties of Methyl Blue Dope polyvinyl Alcohol International journal of physics and Applications 2016
Computer Science Department
Researcher Name Research Title Journal Title Publish Year Vol. No.
- Prof.Dr. Ban Nadeem Dhannoon
Image Compression Based on Cubic Bezier Interpolation, Wavelet Transform, Polynomial Approximation, Quadtree Coding and High Order Shift Encoding Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 13
- Prof.Dr. Ban Nadeem Dhannoon
Multi Agents Classification System with Reliable Measure of Generalization International Journal of Computer (IJC) 2016 23
- Prof.Dr. Ban Nadeem Dhannoon
Fingerprint Recognition by Using extract Level3 Feature 2016 5
- Prof.Dr. Ban Nadeem Dhannoon
Multi agent System for Classification task International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 2016 7
- Prof.Dr. Mohammed Sahib Mahdi
Land Cover Change Detection of Baghdad City Using Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Imagery Iraqi Journal of Science 2016
- Prof.Dr. Mohammed Sahib Mahdi
Satellite image classification using moment and SVD method International Journal of Computer (IJC) 2016 23
- Prof.Dr. Mohammed Sahib Mahdi
Study of Land Cover Changes of Baghdad Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Satellite Images Iraqi Journal of Science 2016 57
- Prof.Dr. Mohammed Sahib Mahdi
Effect of Laser Wavelengths on the Silver Nanoparticles Size Prepared by PLAL Eng. &Tech. Journal 2016 34
- Prof.Dr. Mohammed Sahib Mahdi
Satellite images classification in rural areas based on fractal dimension Journal of Engineering 2016 22
- Assist.Prof Abeer Khalid Al-Mashhadany
Root-Stem Approach in General Analyzer System for Arabic Language (RSGAS) Journal of university of Anbar for Pure science 2016 10
- Assist.ProfDr. Khamael Abbas Khudhair Al-Dulaimi
Automatic segmentation of HEp-2 cell Fluorescence microscope images using level set method via geometric active contours 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2016
- Assist.ProfDr. Khamael Abbas Khudhair Al-Dulaimi
White Blood Cell Nuclei Segmentation Using Level Set Methods and Geometric Active Contours 2016 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA) 2016
- Assist.ProfDr. Zainab Namh Abdula Sultani
Color Reduction in an Authenticate Live 3D Point Cloud Video Streaming System Computers 2016 5
- Lect. Assad Hussein Thary
Satellite Image Classification Using K-Means and SVD Techniques 2016
- Lect. Assad Hussein Thary
Satellite Image Classification Based on Spectral Features Clustering The 2nd International Conference in GIS & Geospatial Technologies 2016
- Lect. Assad Hussein Thary
Satellite Image Classification using moment and SVD method International Journal of Computer (IJC) 2016 23
- Lect.Dr. Rasool Hisham Al-Saadi
Dummynet AQM v0.1 – CoDel and FQ-CoDel for FreeBSD’s ipfw/dummynet framework 2016
- Lect.Dr. Rasool Hisham Al-Saadi
Dummynet AQM v0. 2–CoDel, FQ-CoDel, PIE and FQ-PIE for FreeBSD’s ipfw/dummynet framework Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, Tech. Rep. A 2016 160418
- Lect.Dr. Rasool Hisham Al-Saadi
Using Dummynet AQM-FreeBSD’s CoDel, PIE, FQ-CoDel and FQ-PIE with TEACUP v1. 0 testbed 2016
- Lect.Dr. Sawsan Kamal Thamer
A new method for ciphering a message using QR code Comput. Sci. Eng. 2016 6
- Assist.Lect. Basheer Nahidh Abdulameer
A New Method for Ciphering a Message Using QR Code Scientific & Academic Publishing 2016
- Assist.Lect. Farah Saad Ezzaldeen Al-Mukhtar
Removing objects and filling region in color images International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering 2016 5
Chemistry Department
Researcher Name Research Title Journal Title Publish Year Vol. No.
- Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abdulrazaq Ahmed
Formation of new metal complexes with benzene triazole and thiadiazole-based Schiff-bases 2016
- Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abdulrazaq Ahmed
Optical properties study of new films derived from poly (vinyl chloride)-N-(4-hydroxy-phenyl)-acetamide RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES 2016 7
- Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abdulrazaq Ahmed
Photochemical stability and photostabilizing efficiency of poly (methyl methacrylate) based on 2-thioacetic acid-5-phenyl-1, 3, 4-oxadiazole complexes Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2016 9
- Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abdulrazaq Ahmed
Pharmaceutical Compounds as Photostabilizers. Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2016 19
- Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abdulrazaq Ahmed
Photocatalytic degradation of polyhydroxybutyrate films using titanium dioxide nanoparticles as a photocatalyst Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 2016 89
- Prof.Dr. Taghried Ali Salman
Corrosion Inhibition of Carbon Steel in Saline Solution Using Amino Acids Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res 2016 40
- Prof.Dr. Taghried Ali Salman
Comparison and Evaluation studies for corrosion inhibition of WULFENIA JOURNAL 2016 23
- Prof.Dr. Taghried Ali Salman
Adsorption of Bromothymol Blue dye from Aqueous Solutions using Sawdust treated by polyaniline RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES 2016 7
- Prof.Dr. Taghried Ali Salman
Corrosion, Passivity and Pitting of Inconel (600) in Sulphuric Acid Baghdad Science Journal 2016 13
- Prof.Dr. Taghried Ali Salman
Adsorption Studies of Some dyes on Different Adsorbent Surfaces 2016
- Prof.Dr. Taghried Ali Salman
Potential Application of Natural and Modified Orange Peel as an Eco‒friendly Adsorbent for Methylene Blue Dye Iraqi Journal of Science 2016 57
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Hussein Jawad
Study Oxidative Stress Statues In Hypertension Women Baghdad Science Journal 2016 13
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Hussein Jawad
Effect of Anti Diabetic Drugs on Lipid Profile in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 2016
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Hussein Jawad
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Hussein Jawad
Effects of Metformin and Metformin Plus Glibenclamide on Glucose-6-Phosphatase Status and Some Biochemical Parameters in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2016 19
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Hussein Jawad
Investigation of the Lipid Profile Level Fluctuation in Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Iraq. RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES 2016 7
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Hussein Jawad
Ginkgo biloba for reducing hyperlipideamia: case study 2016
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Hussein Jawad
Study the impact of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in type 2 diabetic patients and non diabetic counterparts 2016
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Fire and Explosion Hazards expected in a Laboratory Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education 2016 4
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Metal Complexes of Schiff's Bases Containing Sulfonamides Nucleus: A Review Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 7
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
For a safer working environment with hydrofluoric acid in iraqi industrial plants Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology 2016 6
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
New stabilizers for PVC based on some diorganotin (IV) complexes with benzamidoleucine Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2016 9
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Recovery and subsequent characterization of polyhydroxybutyrate from Rhodococcus equi cells grown on crude palm kernel oil Journal of Taibah University for Science 2016 10
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Photostability and performance of polystyrene films containing 1, 2, 4-triazole-3-thiol ring system Schiff bases Molecules 2016 21
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Biodegradation of different formulations of polyhydroxybutyrate films in soil SpringerPlus 2016 5
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Synthesis of carbon nanotube: A review Journal of Nanoscience and Technology 2016
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Synthesis and antimicrobial activities of 9H-carbazole derivatives Arabian Journal of Chemistry 2016 9
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Teaching laboratory renovation Oriental Journal of Physical Sciences 2016 1
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Polyesters based on linoleic acid for biolubricant basestocks: Low-temperature, Tribological and Rheological properties Plos one 2016 11
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Laboratory biological safety cabinet (BSC) explosion Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 2016 2
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Photostabilizing efficiency of poly (vinyl chloride) in the presence of organotin (IV) complexes as photostabilizers Molecules 2016 21
- Prof.Dr. Abdul-Hussain Yousif
Spectroscopic, physical and topography of photochemical process of PVC films in the presence of Schiff base metal complexes Polymers 2016 8
- Prof.Dr. Firas Abdullah Hassan
Study the Effect of Aromatase Inhibition in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients and Its Cytotoxic Effect In-Vitro”. 2016
- Prof.Dr. Firas Abdullah Hassan
In-vitro Cytochrome P450s effect in breast cancer 2016
- Prof.Dr. Firas Abdullah Hassan
Study the effect of anastrozole on estradiol and aromatase enzyme in postmenopausal breast cancer patients Al-Nahrain University, 2016 19
- Prof.Dr. Firas Abdullah Hassan
Role of Aromatase and Anastrozole in Cancer Treatment International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research 2016 40
- Prof.Dr. Firas Abdullah Hassan
Metal Complexes of Schiff's Bases Containing Sulfonamides Nucleus: A Review. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 7
- Prof.Dr. Firas Abdullah Hassan
Aromatase Inhibition in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients 2016
- Prof.Dr. Firas Abdullah Hassan
Effect of CYP2D6 on premenopausal breast cancer during use tamoxifen and anti-depressant drug Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 7
- Prof.Dr. Firas Abdullah Hassan
Chemotherapy of breast cancer by heterocyclic compounds International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research 2016 41
- Prof.Dr. Firas Abdullah Hassan
Cytochrome P450s in Breast Cancer Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 7
- Prof.Dr. Mehdi Salih Shihab
Synthesis, Characterization, Theoretical Treatment and Antitubercular activity Evaluation of (E)-N’- (2,5-dimethoxylbenzylidene)nicotinohydrazide and some of its Transition … Oriental Journal of Chemistry 2016 32
- Prof.Dr. Mehdi Salih Shihab
Preparation and Investigation of Some New Pyrazole Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Steel in Acidic Media. Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2016 19
- Prof.Dr. Mehdi Salih Shihab
Study of inhibition effect of carboxylic salt derivative on corrosion of C1010 carbon steel in saline solution Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2016 52
- Prof.Dr. Mehdi Salih Shihab
Study of inhibition effect of pyridinium salt derivative on corrosion of C1010 carbon steel in saline solution Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2016 52
- Prof.Dr. Mehdi Salih Shihab
Experimental and theoretical study of some N-pyridinium salt derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for mild-steel in acidic media Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 2016 89
- Prof.Dr. Nasreen Raheem Jber
Synthesis and Characterization of New Mesomorphic Azo Compounds and Study their Photoluminesecence Properties Baghdad Science Journal 2016 13
- Assist.Prof Hanan Abdoulatief Ibrahiem
Optical Properties and Morphological Study of New Films Derived From Poly (Vinyl Chloride)-Phenyl Phrine HCl Acid Complexes Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2016 19
- Assist.Prof Hanan Abdoulatief Ibrahiem
Photo-Fenton reaction: How to remediation waste-water using (Fe+ 2/UV) Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2016 7
- Assist.Prof Dina adil najeeb
Synthesis, Characterization and Theoretical Studies of Transition Metal Complexes of int.j.pharm.sci.rev.res. 2016 38
- Assist.Prof Farah Muaiad Ibrahim
Photochemical study of 2-(6-methoxynaphthalen-2-yl)propanoic acid chromium(III) in different Organic Solvents Misan Journal for Academic Sudies. 2016 15
- Assist.Prof Farah Muaiad Ibrahim
Photochemical study of Cobalt (II) in Dimethyl Sulfoxide,Dimethyl formamide and Chloroform Solvents Journal of AL-Nahrain University-Science 2016 19
- Assist.Prof Farah Muaiad Ibrahim
Photochemical study of 2-(6-methoxynaphthalen-2-yl)propanoic acid iron(III) in different organic solvents Eng.and Tech. J.Part(B) 2016 34
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
Laboratory biological safety cabinet (BSC) explosion Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 2016
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
The Application of Light-still on the Run Raghad Haddad, Atheel Alwash, Mehdi Shihab, Majid Khalaf, Dheaa Zageer, Jawad Chemistry Research Journal 2016 1
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
Geochemical correlation of oil and source rocks from selected exploratory wells within Northern Mesopotamian basin, Iraq Arabian Journal of Geosciences 2016 9
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
Study of inhibition effect of carboxylic salt derivative on corrosion of C1010 carbon steel in saline solution Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2016 52
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
For a Safer Working Environment with Hydrofluoric Acid in Iraqi Industrial Plants Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology 2016 6
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
Fire and Explosion Hazards Expected in a Laboratory Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education 2016 4
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
Preparation and Production of High Grade Sulfonic International Journal of Science and Research 2016 5
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
Evaluation and Comparison of the Quality of Two Crude Oils at Dura Oil Refinery Journal of Al-Nahrain University 2016 19
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
Evaluation and Comparison between Crude Oil Straight Run Fractions and Its Commercial Fractions (Gasoline, Kerosene and Gas Oil) at Dura Oil Refinery Issue Journal of Al-Nahrain University 2016 19
- Assist.Prof Wedad Al-Dahhan
Teaching laboratory renovation Oriental Journal of Physical Sciences 2016 1
- Assist.ProfDr. Atheel Hassan Kadhim
Catalytic behavior of chromium supported silica for decolorization of neutral red dye using oxidation reaction Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences 2016 23
- Assist.ProfDr. Atheel Hassan Kadhim
Synthesis and Characterization Of CaMgO2 Nanoparticles Photocatalyst For the Decolorization Of Orange G Dye Journal of Engineering 2016 22
- Assist.ProfDr. Bashaer abbas khudhair
ICP Spectrometric–Vis Separation of Cerium (IV)–Desferal Complex Using 4-Vinylbenzyl-Dimethylammonio Pentanesulfonate Zwitterionic Stationary Phase Journal of Al-Nahrain University-Science2016 2016 19
- Assist.ProfDr. Bashaer abbas khudhair
A novel online coupling of ion selective electrode with the flow injection system for the determination of vitamin B1 Baghdad Science Journal 2016 13
- Assist.ProfDr. Bashaer abbas khudhair
Zwitterionic Ion Chromatography of Dansyl Amino Acids with 4-Vinylbenzyl Dimethyl Ammonio Pentanesulfonate as Stationary Phase Asian Journal of Chemistry 2016 28
- Assist.ProfDr. ammar jihad alabdali
Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Penicillin Derivatives Complexes with Some Transition Metal Ions International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 2016 5
- Lect. Rana Abd Hammza
amino)-2-isopropyl quinazolin-4(3h)-one and its corrosion inhibition on zinc by 2M hydrochloric acid synthesis of new 3-(4-bromo-5-methyl thiophen-2-yl) methylene Yanbu Journal of Engineering and Science 2016 13
- Lect. Sarra Abdul Aziz Abrahem
Construction of ion selective electrodes in PVC matrix for determination of sulfamethoxizole and their application in pure and pharmaceutical sample science conference for postgraduate students researches 2016
- Lect.Dr. Murtaz Adnan Ali
Nanostructured photoelectrochemical solar cell for nitrogen reduction using plasmon-enhanced black silicon Nature communications 2016 7
- Assist.Lect. Alaa Adnan Rashad
Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube : A Review Journal of Nanoscience and Technology 2016 2
Mathmatics and Computer Applications Department
Researcher Name Research Title Journal Title Publish Year Vol. No.
- Prof.Dr. Ali Hassan Nasser Al-Fayadh
- Prof.Dr. Ali Hassan Nasser Al-Fayadh
An Efficient Singular Value Decomposition Based Classified Vector Quantization Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and its Application to Image Compression International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering 2016 4
- Prof.Dr. Fadhel Subhi Fadhel
Variable Order Two Steps Runge–Kutta Method for Solving Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equation basrah journal of science 2016 34
- Prof.Dr. Fadhel Subhi Fadhel
Solution of one-dimensional fractional order partial integro-differential equations using variational iteration method AIP Conference Proceedings 2016 1775
- Prof.Dr. Fadhel Subhi Fadhel
Compactness of Fuzzy Cone Metric Spaces Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2016 19
- Prof.Dr. Fadhel Subhi Fadhel
Existence and uniqueness of the solution of delay differential equations AIP Conference Proceedings 2016 1775
- Prof.Dr. Fadhel Subhi Fadhel
- Assist.ProfDr. Hassan Jiad Al Hwaeer
Grothendieck categories of enriched functors Journal of Algebra 2016 450
- Assist.ProfDr. Fatimah Sahib Kadhim Al-Taie
Complexity of spatially interconnected systems 2016
- Assist.ProfDr. Fatimah Sahib Kadhim Al-Taie
Structure-preserving model reduction for spatially interconnected systems with experimental validation on an actuated beam International Journal of Control 2016 89
- Assist.ProfDr. Fatimah Sahib Kadhim Al-Taie
Balanced truncation error bound for temporally-and spatially-varying interconnected systems 22nd internat. sympasion on mathematical theory of networks and systems (MTNS) 2016
- Assist.ProfDr. Fatimah Sahib Kadhim Al-Taie
Joint model and scheduling order reduction via balanced truncation for parameter-varying spatially interconnected systems 2016 American Control Conference (ACC) 2016
- Lect.Dr. Ahmed Ayyoub Yousif
Stabilization and Solution of Two Diminution Nonlinear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations Using the Discretized Backstepping Method Control Theory and Informatics 2016 6
- Lect.Dr. Ahmed Ayyoub Yousif
The Discretized Backstepping Method for Stabilizing and Solving Nonlinear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) 2016 12
- Lect.Dr. Akram Al-Sabbagh
Nonlinear Models of Subdiffusive Transport with Chemotaxis and Adhesion 2016
- Lect.Dr. Akram Al-Sabbagh
A non-linear subdiffusion model for a cell-cell adhesion in chemotaxis 2016
- Lect.Dr. Akram Al-Sabbagh
Nonlinear Models for Subdiffusive Transport in Chemotaxis 2016
- Lect.Dr. ِAyat Abdulaali Neamah Shabib
Homogenuous n-parameters Abstract Cauchy Problem Journal University of Kerbala 2016 14
- Lect.Dr. Omar Ismael Khaleel Al-Tameemi
Fractional differential transform method for solving fuzzy integro-differential equations of fractional order Basrah journal of science 2016 34
Forensic Science
Researcher Name Research Title Journal Title Publish Year Vol. No.
- Lect.Dr. Ammar A AlRawi
Nuclear structure and electromagnetic transition probability of Hf isotopes by means IBM-1 Pelagia Research Library 2016 7
Medical Physics Science
Researcher Name Research Title Journal Title Publish Year Vol. No.
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Jabbar Ghazai
Structural Properties of Zno Thin Films Prepared Using Different Techniques Swift Journal of Physical Sciences 2016 2
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Jabbar Ghazai
Effect of Aluminum Doping on Zinc Oxide Thin Film Properties Synthesis by Spin Coating Method American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) 2016 26
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Jabbar Ghazai
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO thin films using Spin Coating technique JOURNAL OF THI-QAR SCIENCE 2016 5
- Prof.Dr. Alaa Jabbar Ghazai
Structural and optical properties of Si-doped Al0. 08In0. 08Ga0. 84N thin films grown on different substrates for optoelectronic devices Superlattices and Microstructures 2016 95
- Assist.ProfDr. Rasha Saad Jwad
Scalable, stereoselective syntheses of α, β-difluoro-γ-amino acids Tetrahedron 2016 72
Applied Pathological Analysis
Researcher Name Research Title Journal Title Publish Year Vol. No.
- Assist.Prof Sarahabdalqadermahdi
- Assist.Lect. Huda Ghazi Naser
Obesity effect on xanthine oxidoreductase activities in gallstone patients Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 2016 8
- Assist.Lect. Huda Ghazi Naser
Effect of gender on some biochemical parameters in Iraqi cholelithiasis patients IOSR Jornal of dental and medical science (IOSR-JDMS) 2016 15
- Assist.Lect. Huda Ghazi Naser
Activity of xanthine oxidoreductase in Gallstone patients: correlations with Obisity Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 2016 8
- Assist.Lect. Huda Ghazi Naser
Evaluation of serum xanthine oxidoreductases enzymes in cholelithiasis patients: correlation with molybdenum and iron Advances in Environmental Biology 2016 10

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