البحوث المنشورة

البحوث المنشورة من قبل تدريسي القسم للسنة 2021
قسم الفيزياء
اسم الباحث عنوان البحث اسم المجلة سنة النشر رقم المجلد
- أ.د. احمد عبدالرحمن احمد الطباخ
The effect of size distribution and degradation of carbon nanotubes on the Fowler–Nordheim plot behavior Ultramicroscopy 2021 230
- أ.د. احمد عبدالرحمن احمد الطباخ
Improvement of the Solar-Thermal Characteristics of the Flat-Plate Collector Using a Composite Coating Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2021 24
- أ.د. اسماء هادي محمد
Employment of DC Sputtering for Synthesizing Nano Cadmium Oxide for Sevoflurane Anesthetic Gas Sensor 2021
- أ.د. اسماء هادي محمد
Neuronal Toxicity of CdS Nanoparticles Prepared by Laser Ablation and their Effect on Liver 2021
- أ.د. اسماء هادي محمد
Adenine Used as Agent Induced of Chronic Kidney Disease Accompanied Anemia for Rats and rHuEPOalpha on MgO Nanoparrticles as Drug Delivery 'in vivo study' 2021
- أ.د. اسماء هادي محمد
Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Nanostructures Using Chemical Method 2021
- أ.د. خالد عباس يحيى
Enhancement of Electron Temperature under Dense Homogenous Plasma by Pulsed Laser Beam Baghdad Science Journal 2021 Vol. 18 No. 4 (2021): Issue 4
- أ.د. سهى موسى خورشيد رشيد مالك الاوسي
Effect of Square Shaped Acousto–Optic Modulators on the Bragg Diffraction IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021 1897
- أ.د. سهى موسى خورشيد رشيد مالك الاوسي
Effect of Nonlinear Dispersion Fiber Length and Input Power on Raman Scattering NeuroQuantology 2021 19
- أ.د. سهى موسى خورشيد رشيد مالك الاوسي
Second Harmonic Generation of 266 nm Laser Beam Using BBO Nonlinear Crystal Iraqi Journal of Science 2021 62
- أ.د. سهى موسى خورشيد رشيد مالك الاوسي
Second Harmonic Generation of 266 nm Laser Beam Using BBO Nonlinear Crystal Iraqi Journal of Science 2021
- أ.د. عدي علي حسين
Effects of Electrode Beam Radius on Properties of four-poles Electrostatic Double Lens for Point-to-Point Focus Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021 1879
- أ.د. عماد خضير عباس الشكرجي
The Simulation on the Phase Formation of Bi-Ba-Ca-Cu-O high Temperature Superconductor Journal of Advanced Materials and Processing 2021 9
- أ.د. عماد خضير عباس الشكرجي
Studying the Physical Properties of Bi-2223 Nanostructure Prepared Thermal Treatment Method Materials Science Forum 2021 1039
- أ.د. كريم خلف محمد الجبوري
[PDF] from iop.org The effects of various types of phosphate fertilizers on the environment and their natural activity Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021 1999
- أ.د. كريم خلف محمد الجبوري
Measurement of natural radioactivity level in selected phosphate fertilizer samples collected from Iraqi Markets Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 2021 24
- أ.م. احمد كاظم عويد اللامي
A multimedia Environmental Model to Predict the Lead Concentration in Children’s Blood Near Al-Dorah Refinery in Baghdad AL-MUSTANSIRIYAH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 2021 32
- أ.م. احمد كاظم عويد اللامي
Using Vegetation Indices for monitoring the spread of Nile Rose plant in the Tigris River within Wasit province, Iraq Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 2021
- أ.م. نور محمد حسن ياسين
Effect of Nonlinear Dispersion Fiber Length and Input Power on Raman Scattering NeuroQuantology 2021 19
- أ.م. نور محمد حسن ياسين
Effect of Square Shaped Acousto–Optic Modulators on the Bragg Diffraction https://iopscience.iop.org/issue/1742-6596/1897/1 2021 1897 (2021) 012074
- أ.م.د. ثامر عبد الجبار جمعة حسن الربيعي
Synthesis and characterization of Zinc-doped Antimony Selenide Iraqi journal of sciences 2021 62
- أ.م.د. جزيل حسين عزيز القرةغولي
Rotational Velocity and Dynamical Mass for the Nuclear Disk of the ULIRG Arp 220 2nd Annual International Conference on Information and Sciences (AiCIS) 2020 2021 1829
- أ.م.د. سديم عباس فاضل وهيب القصاب
Rotational Velocity and Dynamical Mass for the Nuclear Disk of the ULIRG Arp 220 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021 1829
- أ.م.د. وسن علي موسى
Design and Fabrication of Nanostructure TiO2 Doped NiO as A Gas Sensor for NO2 Detection Iraqi Journal of Science 2021
- أ.م.د. وسن علي موسى
Structural and Optical Properties of Tio2:Nio Nanoparticles Thin Films Prepare by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis Iraqi Journal of Physics 2021 19
- م. عصام محمد رشيد
A Comparison between the Measurements of Natural Radioactive Materials of Surface Soils in Anbar and Diyala Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science 2021 32
- م.د. فاطمة مقداد احمد
Optical and A.C. Electrical Properties for Polypyrrole and Polypyrrole/Graphene (ppy/gn) Nanocomposites Iraqi Journal of Physics 2021 19
- م.د. نرجس زامل عبد الزهره
- م.م. زينب حازم شاكر محمود الوائلي
Study the morphological and optical properties for nanoparticle Sesame by Vibra-Cell Ultrasonic Liquid Processors Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021
- م.م. زينه عليوي عباس
Influence of the magnetic field on the characteristic of Au nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation AIP Conference Proceedings 2021 2372

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