Department's Vision
The department should be distinguished academically, in research, and in leadership to advanced levels.
Department's Mission
Preparing academic staff members who emphasize the applied aspect and possess a distinguished level of education that aligns with quality standards and accreditation, through conducting research and studies, and providing consultations that contribute to serving both the university and the community. In addition to the student acquiring basic knowledge and concepts in mathematics and computer applications, enabling him to connect the applied academic sciences according to the needs of society.

Department's Goals
The department aims to produce cadres that can keep up to solve problems addressed to social life in a scientific manner based on applied mathematics for the success of work.
Detailed objectives of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Applications
The Mathematics and Computer Applications departments aim to:
1. Preparing a generation capable of serving society by providing it with people specialized in applied mathematics.
2. Partnership and twinning between the department and corresponding departments in Iraqi, regional and international universities.
3. Improving the quality of education to keep pace with the current technical development in international universities.
4. Achieving the link between academic and applied sciences according to the needs of society and development references in Iraq through
Realizing that mathematics and computer applications are of great importance in planning and decision-making through analysis
Data collected by the mathematician in all fields, for example banking and the Ministry of Defence
And insurance, as well as by solving issues that lead to the development of industry, agriculture, transportation, medicine, and engineering in a way that serves
It leads to the development of all the mentioned fields in Iraq.
5. The ability to design and implement experiments, as well as analyze them and estimate their results, and this is done by creating models that simulate reality
Practical and then study the results of these models with the possibility of developing them in the future to suit the new data and goals
Practical and also the ability to deduce, analyze and innovate.
6. Implementing research programs, organizing seminars and conferences, supporting participation in scientific forums, and encouraging cooperation with
Specialists in other fields of science.