Scientific Committee Convenes with Strategic Planning Committee

Wednesday، 3 April 2024

The Department of Applied Pathological Analysis, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Wissam Kazem, convened with Lect. Dr. Wael Adel Obaid, the head of the Strategic Planning committee within the department, alongside several faculty members. The primary focus of the meeting centered on elucidating the strategic plan implementation framework for Al-Nahrain University. This comprehensive plan comprises five main goals, each with multiple facets governed by specific protocols. Lect. Dr. Wael Adel Obaid presented an overview of the strategic plan's progress and its execution mechanism, outlining the distribution of goals and objectives among department faculty. Additionally, tailored timelines were established for submission of implementation reports, aligning with the department's resources and requirements, along with mechanisms for ongoing monitoring and follow-up.




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