No. |
Supervisor |
Project |
Student |
Patent Management System |
محمد احمد نوري |
Design and Implementation of Mobile Game ( Finding Secret Word) |
غسق عمار عبدعلي |
Android Healthcare Assistance Application |
مريم عبدالحميد طه |
Computer Game Design using Unreal Engine and Blueprint |
زينب عبدالرضا مجيد |
Archive the section library web site |
تهاني علي عطية |
Cooking Recipes by Ingredients Mobile App |
اسراء عدنان شاكر |
E-orthodontic Center Management System |
شمس سعد جبار |
Design a social web for graduate students |
فاطمة جلال عامر |
IQ Test System |
سجاد ماجد حميد |
Motif finding in DNA using Randomized Algorithm |
زينب عامر محمدعلي |
Built a simple secured smart home |
حوراء فارس عبدالستار |
Design and implementation a site for a healthy food |
مريم حسن هادي |
Currency recognition |
لينا حازم خضير |
Flights Booking website |
فاطمة مازن ابراهيم |
Web Portal for Al-Nahrain College of Science |
محمد ثامر مراح و دعاء ناظم نجم |
Home Maintenance Website |
شهد طارق جاسم |
Phone and Accessories web site |
تبارك باسم لعيبي |
Design a website for labortaty of pathlogical analysis |
عبدالله علاءالدين محسن |
Design and Implementation a website for learning assembly language |
عباس ريسان |
Iraq - Baghdad - Jadriyah